Continuous Wave Resonant Photon Stimulated Electron Energy-Gain and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Individual Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Researchers from Oak Ridge National Lab, University of Tennessee, University of Notre Dame, University of Washington, and Waviks explored the unique optical properties of surface plasmon resonances in nanostructured materials using the Waviks Vesta. Their work was published in ACS Photonics.

Figure 1. sEEL and sEEG of a silver irregular nanoparticle as a function of laser irradiance. (a) Unprocessed low-loss EEL/EEG point spectra of a photothermally dewetted silver nanoparticle as a function of laser irradiance (×108 W/m2) at the aloof beam position indicated by the green bullet and label A. (b) Integrated sEEG and sEEL probabilities as a function of laser irradiance for the spectra in (a). The solid and dashed lines are linear fits to the sEEG and sEEL data, respectively.
The researchers demonstrated the first ever continuous wavelength stimulated electron energy-loss and stimulated electron energy-gain spectroscopy in a (S)TEM. This novel capability opens up new directions for optically stimulated fast electron spectroscopy of electronically excited nanomaterials, such as, the direct testing of optoelectronic circuits.
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00830